Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday, over my mad....

Good Morning, Family and Friends wherever you are,

I'm feeling ever so much better than I was yesterday. My daddy came home and played with me and then.....ready for this??......took me on a ROAD TRIP! Oh, it was wonderful. We went down to the fancy dancy supermarket in Middlebury to get Mommy some of her stomach pills for the big trip. It's the only place around that carries them and she had run out so we had to save her!! Since she had that awful surgery some years ago and lost some of her large intestine due to diverticulitis, she's taken these probiotic pills that help keep her healthy. Or, they're supposed to. Or she thinks they do.......whatever works, right? I, myself, thoroughly believe that a dozen or so cookies a day keeps the doctor away. It's worked so far, so that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

After supper last night, I wanted to go out......but my daddy wouldn't let me because of all the deer in the backyard. They went away after awhile, but they came right close to the garden. Little ones.....this year's crop.....the other day, we had 27 turkeys out there. I'll ask Mommy to take a picture the next time they come around.

So, today is dump day. Daddy and I get to take all the trash and recycle stuff to the dump. I love Saturdays. Afterward, we go see Uncle Eli and I stay in the truck to take a nap. Mommy is off to Burlington with her friend Luci to do some last minute shopping. Oh oh.....hope Daddy doesn't get the shock collar out!

April 2 and fresh snow on the ground......I love it.....I seem to have a much easier time finding a spot to pee and poo in the snow. Don't know what the attraction is, but I've done this since I was a baby. When Spring comes, I find the snow to do my business.....Daddy complains that he has to go all around the house to clean up after me, but I go with the snow! That was a pun....did you get it?? Go with the flow....go with the snow....? Gawd, I'm cute.

Have a wonderful day. I love you all.


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