Kia Plant
Auburn campground
Mommy and me....hard to see us in the shade
Good Afternoon Family and Friends, wherever you are,
Well, here we are in Auburn, Alabama!! Whodathunk?? Alabama?? Are we in the far South, or what? Even the dogs here bark with a southern accent......woouff, woouff.....something like that. And most of them are these little wannabees.....hairless or long haired rats that dart out at you and go woouff, woouff.....or.....yiiiap, yiiap.....silly lookin' little things. The sad thing about it all is that they scare the beejeesus out of me. I'm so afraid one of 'em is gonna attach its little teeth to my tail and never let go!! Or my ear! I really wouldn't want to hurt them, so I stay as far away from them as possible. Even at Uncle Patrick's, I stayed right by Daddy's legs so he'd keep me from stepping on one of the little devils and smushing it like a zit. Ohhhhh, not a pretty picture.....
Anyhow, we got going early this morning and forgot all about the fact that we were going to have a time change, so we got to our campground an hour earlier than we had planned. Not a problem. Mommy and I took a walk so I could gather all the nifty new smells.....and leave a few of my own....heh heh heh......while Daddy put the camper on its legs. We didn't unhook the truck because our site is level enough that we don't have to. It's about 85 degrees in the shade, but not too humid, so with the windows all open, it's pleasant here. Mommy did get the fan going for me, and if it gets bad, we'll put on the air conditioner. We really don't need it right now.
We went past a HUGE......and I mean HUGE.....KIA plant just on the border of Georgia and Alabama.....I've never seen so many cars in my life!! There were more cars at that plant than in all of Atlanta, I'm sure! Wow!
So, not much excitement today. Tomorrow we're going to New Orleans and we may spend a couple of days there....don't know yet. Tell ya later.
Hope you're having a wonderful day. I love you all,
OH BOY...have some real New Orleans jumbalaya for me....YUM!!!! Or maybe just Mom and Dad should have it????