Monday, April 25, 2011

Mt. Pleasant, Texas

Mr. Sam Houston along the highway.

Proof that Texans don't know whether they're coming or going.....

Sky beginning to darken

Wind blowing trees over the road

trying to show whitecaps on this reservoir

Good Evening, Family and Friends, wherever you are,

Well, we're still alive as of 8:30 PM Monday night!! For awhile there, I had my doubts. We left Houston this morning at 6 AM-ish.....and although it was overcast, it wasn't bad driving. We stopped a couple of times for fuel and to wee wee, but wanted to get as far as we could before it began to rain. They are having really bad storms in this part of the world if you haven't been following the news. Terrible tornadoes all around here. Anyhow, it started to get windy around noon time, so we found a campground in Mt. Pleasant, Texas and battened down the hatches. Daddy did a quick run to the grocery store while Mommy and I cleaned up the kitchen and hid in the bedroom. Actually, I'm the one who hid in the bedroom......I'll be sleeping with Mommy and Daddy tonight. I do NOT like all that noise out there, and the flashes and the thunderboomers. Nope, not my thing. Call me a wuss, I don't care. I don't like it. Scares the beejeezus out of me and I want to be near my Mommy and my their laps, if possible. But on the bed is OK, too. I'll come down for a cookie, or go take a quick wee wee....but then, let me back in the camper on the bed. I'm not sure why my mommy and daddy decided to travel in this part of the country in the spring.....when they tradionally have bad storms.....and tornadoes......and thunder and lightening.....and hail....oh yes, hail. That has been predicted for here in this town tonight... hail. We may come home all pock marked!! Sheesh.......

Hope you are having better weather than we are!! I love you all,


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