Daddy showing Aunt Norma the Colombia book
The Arch...Gateway to the West
Daddy reassuring me...he loves me best...
But CB is certainly a close second....
Rainbow on the way to camper tonight
Good Evening, Family and Friends, wherever you are,
What a fun day this has been. It started early this morning when we went over to Aunt Norma and Uncle Merrill's house for breakfast.....sausage and pannycakes. Yum yum yummy!! I got to lick Mommy's fingers, but that's all that she would share. However, the fun part really was the family of geese in the lake behind the condo. They were sooooo cute!! Oh, I wanted to go down and join them in their swim, but Daddy is a spoiled sport about that sort of thing, and he said I had to stay upstairs and play with Charlie Brown. Ok......I could do that.....but there were so many geese to see. Aunt Norma said there are hundreds and at times, there's so much goose crap on the sidewalks that they don't like to go for walks. I guess when you have one or two, or maybe even three geese in the area and they have their eliminations, you just call it goose poo. But when it's hundreds, it becomes true crap. That's just a guess on my part, but I'm a pretty smart girl, you know. Sometimes the people in the association go looking for goose eggs and when they find them, they cover them with cooking oil so they won't hatch. They just have so many in this area and they are noisy and dirty and not nice to have around. We don't have geese at our house, but we sure have crows! Oh, and turkeys! They're fun to watch. But I digress......
OK, so Uncle Merrill had to take a nap because he had just had mouth surgery a couple of days ago and he was a hurtin' human! And I didn't really want to go, so I stayed in the truck, in the shade, and took a nap, too. Mommy and Daddy and Aunt Norma went sight-seeing in downtown St. Louis. Mommy said it was sure different from Houston.....old, and run down in lots of places and not nearly as big. But it has the Arch, so that was interesting.
When they got back, we all just sat around and talked some more, and played with the curly one, and shared stories, and had supper......vegetable soup that Aunt Norma had made......and then we came back to the camper and I had my supper and now we're all just laying around and reading or writing my blog......tomorrow we head for home. Hopefully, we will continue to miss all the weather excitement. We've been lucky so far and I think the worst of it has moved on now, further to the east....where we are headed.....oh CRAP!
Talk to you tomorrow. I love you all,
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