Friday, April 15, 2011


Mommy, tired eyes today....
Pedicure, Aunt Jodi...she's cute
Pretty toes....

Good Morning Family and Friends, wherever you are,

On the road again, we're gonna be on the road again.....and not a minute too soon!! Our holding tanks are FULL since we've been here for a week. Have to get to the next campground to unload them. Hope we make it!! I'm not sure why all of our loved ones don't put in a pad with septic for us.....what's the holdup?? It seems like the neighborly thing to do, don't you agree?? And a fenced in yard might be nice, so I can run around at will, chase the Frisbee, or the cat, or whatever might be at hand. That's the only part of traveling that I don't really like.....the darn leash. But, I guess it's safer for me that way. Daddy is a worry-wart....wort? Worrier.....he even hates it when Mommy goes away and leaves me in the camper by myself. But you know? It's cool in here, and quiet, and I just get on my couch and whine until I'm satisfied that no one is going to come rescue me, and then I sleep. It's not so bad. I am a dog, after all, and have this huge capacity to adjust. It's in my DNA.

So, that's what happened yesterday. Daddy went with Uncle Peter to work on his houses, and Mommy went with Aunt Jodi to shop, and cousin Katie went to school and then soccer practice. And I spent a couple of hours napping. Not a bad day. Mommy had a pedicure....actually, I had one earlier in the week, so I know how good it feels. She also found a new purse, and another pair of sandals, and she's all good. She loves shopping in the big city...lots more choices than in small town Burlington, Vermont. And next, she can do HOUSTON!! There won't be time to shop at Uncle Patrick's house because of the wedding and all, but after that, Houston, here we come!!

Well, you'll next hear from me in South Carolina. Hope you all have a wonderful day. I love you all. Juni