Friday, May 6, 2011

What's that? Sunshine?? Oh my!!

Good Morning, Family and Friends, wherever you are,

It's a beautiful morning and I've been in and out a dozen times just to make sure things haven't changed....not that I could do much about it if they did, but I just have to keep checking. Daddy left vvveeerrrryyyy early this morning to go hunting. Have I told you how he hunts?? He sits in a tree stand, or his ground doghouse/blind thing, drinks coffee, takes pictures when cute things get close, reads a little in his book while he waits, naps now and then even though he swears he doesn't....I just know him too it's like, read, sip, watch, read, sip, read, snooze, sip, read, watch, watch, click (bunny came out), read, watch....and so on. Pretty professional, don't ya think? Mommy and I make fun of him sometimes, but that's how he does it. On Tuesday, he went out and saw a long beard......that's hunter talk for a full grown male's turkey season all month here.....let him get close, fired, missed. He was some upset when he got home. The worst part of it was, the turkey scooted away, came back and he shot again, but had forgotten to put a new shell in the shotgun, so, for lack of a better word, missed again. This time the turkey didn't come back, and Daddy came home.....all weirded out because he had been so stupid....his word, not mine. We just think he's funny and all kinds of cute.

Not much on the agenda today. Mommy is going off with Aunt Lois to the big and lunch. Oh, was she upset yesterday. She stopped at the gas station when she went to the post office to mail something to Auntie Norma and it cost her $36.00.....for HALF A TANK!! Now she's looking at ads for those funny cars that run on electricity and gas.......they're way too small for me.....I wouldn't fit, but she says I'm a truck dog, not a car dog, so it doesn't matter. Well, it does matter. I DO go in the car once in awhile....don't like it much....too small.....OK, she's right.....again......don't you hate that??

Have a wonderful day. I love you all!!


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