Saturday, May 7, 2011

More Sun!!

Frisbee weather!! First, I chase the frisbee.

After I've caught it, I stop to pee.

Then I bring it back to Daddy.
I drop me at his feet.....and........
I play a little bit of keep-away....just for fun.

Sock time Saturday morning.....just before our weekly dump run.....ROAD TRIP!!!

He's slow getting those things on, but I try to help. He's old, you know. You have to be patient with old people. Mommy tells me that all the time.

Almost ready....I continue to encourage him.

Good Morning Family and Friends, wherever you are,

I just had to share that last picture with you.....kinda reminds me of my days with Lilly at Uncle Peter's house. What a time that was!! I miss that cute little girly-girl.

Soooooo, another wonderful sunny day. Mommy is doing laundry and cleaning house and putting away Christmas presents. Yup, you read that right. Lots of nice Mothers' Day sales going on now, so she takes advantage of them. If any of you are on the receiving end of her Christmas list, know that she took particular care to make sure you got something on sale. Then, if you decide to regift, a practice that she buys into fully, it won't be a biggie. Know what I mean????

Oh my, Mommy is in seventh, if you have any idea what happens in heavens one through six, will you let me know? I haven't a clue! Where did that saying come from, anyhow? Humans can be really silly sometimes. But the reason for her happiness is that Auntie Lois just stopped by with some daffodil bulbs for her. She has bucketfulls at her house and some of them needed to be....declumped?? she brought three different kinds....white, white with light tangerine centers, and white with yellow centers. All really pretty. Mommy thinks it'll be dry enough this afternoon to get the bulbs in.....we'll see.

Off to a nap. Hope you have a wonderful, sunny day. I love you all.


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