Saturday, May 14, 2011

New friend....sorta.....

Good Morning Family and Friends wherever you are.....

I'm sorry I haven't written for a few days.....don't know what happened.......Mommy says I get lazy once in awhile, but we all know THAT can't be true......anyhow, isn't my new little friend the cutest??? She's only a month old, and she's so small that Auntie Jess had to buy a harness for a ferret because all the kitty ones were too big. Poor little thing lost her cat mommy so Auntie Jess adopted her and gave her a good home......complete with carry-on luggage. Wow!! And, she goes in the car everywhere. A traveling feline. Like me.....'cept I'm a traveling canine!! But it does give us something to talk about, ya know? Something in common to help cement the friendship? Right now, in her babyness, all she can say is....fffffzzzzzzztttttt.....but she'll increase her vocabulary as she matures, I'm sure. And, she'll come again so we can get to know each other better. I really liked her. She's so small and cute and very pretty and I'm sure she thinks I'm big and cute and very, very it's a win-win, right?? I wouldn't hurt her....... on purpose, anyhow. I just need to sniff and chase stuff! Oh well, maybe next time.

So, why haven't I written??? Well, the sun has been out and Mommy and I have worked in the garden some. She's back to swimming in the mornings and doing yoga on Mondays and Fridays. We do have errands to run now and then and......well......perhaps I am a bit lazy. I don't like to think that of myself, but there might be the smallest bit of truth to it, I guess. I'll try to improve. Some days there's just not a lot to talk about. I mean, like yesterday, Mommy and Daddy spent the afternoon taking down storm windows, washing windows inside and out, putting in the screens, washing the mullions.....rhymes with bullions.......those dumb divider things in the windows that make it look like there are six panes instead of one.....Daddy's idea, not Mommy's. She hates them.....they get dirty, they have to come out to wash the windows, and they interrupt the views......but Daddy thinks they look good, so they stay. He can be pretty stubborn sometimes. Not Mommy. She's just the most easy going person......and if it makes him happy, they can stay......but she hates them. And if she wants another pair of shoes, she'll buy them. Daddy has his mullions, Mommy has her shoes. So there.

Anyhow, I digress. So, there isn't always something to write about that doesn't have something to do with the mundane stuff of life. Aunt Luci and Uncle Aubert are coming over for supper tonight. I'd like them to bring their canine.....Harley. I love her!! She's so full of energy and fun....which is precisely why they don't bring her. She's a whippet.....100%! Maybe I can go over to see her more this summer......on the weekends. We like to play outside....well, to be truthful, which I ALWAYS try to be......emphasis on the try.......she likes to run and I like to chase her! She's way faster than I am, but I work to keep up, fall short, and then just fall. Gotta get my breath back.....then we're at it again. Yippee-aye! Almost as good as FRISBEE!

Well, there it is for today. I may not be able to write tomorrow morning, but will try to get on in the evening. Mommy is going to spend the day tomorrow with Aunt Martha.....doing what? you ask?......and you need to ask?? don't know Mommy very well, I can see that. Shopping, of course......over to New York this time....Ticonderoga....super WalMart......and BJs. So....they leave really early 'cause it takes an hour and a half to get there......but if she has any energy left when she gets home, I'll ask her to turn the computer on for me. I have trouble getting it open and Daddy won't help. He says dogs should know their place and it's not on the computer. He's an.......nope, not gonna say it. Get my mouth washed out with soap. He's just an old mullion-lover......and let it go at that.

Have a great day. I love you all.


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