Thursday, May 5, 2011

Oh goodie....more rain.....

Good Morning Family and Friends, wherever you are,

We are being blessed with more I hear a yippee-aye?? No?? Well, us either. Enough is enough, ya know? We don't NEED more water, truly. We have plenty, more than plenty, way over the plenty mark. Lake Champlain is almost thirteen feet over its highest ever mark....and yes, spilling onto the land in many places, making people miserable. So, stop already! Go away. Let the sun shine through and the flowers grow and the birds sing!! Geesh.

So, here I am with Daddy's I do every morning. Poor some point he just lost the will, or ambition, or ability to get his own socks and now I have to do it for him. Then, when I get them for him, and let him know he's taking waaaaayyyy too long to get them on, and his shoes should just be slip ins, not the tie kind......and it's time to go, has been time to go for awhile, and he's just plain slow, slow, slow....he says, "Hold your water, Ethel.....or dufus...or some other ridiculus that I think of it, he calls Mommy those names, too.....oh oh.... don't get your panties in a wad..." Now, what the hell does that mean?? In the first place, I don't wear panties, and if they were in a would they get that way?? I mean, I'm a dog....I don't know about wads.....guess I shouldn't go any further on that topic...Mommy is lookin' over my shoulder.......

We're going up to see Uncle Eli, then to the bank, then to the grocery store. Mommy is going to see Aunt Luci 'cause it's her birthday, and then to the drug store to get an anniversary card, and then to the library to return a couple of books. Busy day....oh....eye appointment went well and Mommy's eye is healing nicely. No problems. It just is taking, and will take, a lot longer time than she hoped. Weeks, months......depends on the person. She says it hurts a little this morning because the doctor pushed on it yesterday.....but it'll get better with tylenol. So, that's one worry off of all our minds.

Hope you have a wonderful, sunny day....unlike us.... I love you all.


1 comment:

  1. Nope. No sunshine here. Glad to hear your Mommy's eye is OK.
