Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I'mmmmmm baaaaaack!!

Auntie Kris from Kentucky...isn't she cute?

Mommy's Mama, Grammie Grace, used to say that if you could see enough blue sky to make a pair of britches, it was going to be a nice day.
This is Phil. All of Mommy's lilacs have names. This one came from Uncle Phil's house which is why he's called Phil....duhhhhh.....and he smells just wonderful. Aunt Martha??? Well, that's another story altogether and for another time....

Here I am helping Mommy plant, transplant, and replant hosta. She likes these because they grow here on the north side of the house where they don't get much sun. Sorry about the strap in the picture....professionals they're not.....sigh.....

So, the one on the left is Cassandra, and the yellow one is Tammy. Callan is on the other side of Tammy....and is another dark purple but not very prolific this year. Paulie is down front and doing well......he came from Auntie Em's old house in Starksboro....she doesn't live there anymore....she's gone to the home of the old people....Florida. We miss her.

Here's Grammie Peck....she was talking to Daddy.

Grammie and Daddy are so silly...they even flash upper teeth at each other.....gross......

There used to be a road over to that house, and to all of the other houses on the point to the left of that one....all under water now. Lake Champlain is still very high.

Road all under water...sad, really.

They're building a new bridge across Lake Champlain and had to build up the spot where the crane sits because it is so high......

the New York side....see how dark it is?? This is our life here in God's country lately....no pair of britches here.......oh, for you younger guys, britches are pants.

On the Vermont side.....

One lane road....lake over that part.....

This is a pier where people would come to fish, or have lunch, or just look out over the lake. Ooooops, now it's IN the lake.

Farmer Dave hoping not to get stuck in the mud.

Daddy has two big garden areas like this but warned Mommy NOT to buy so many sunflower seeds this year. She won't pay any attention to him. Never does. Not when it comes to sunflowers. Did I tell you about the year when Daddy told her she could put A FEW seeds inbetween some corn seeds???? Yup. You guessed it. No corn that year.....not one cob.......all overpowered by the ....ah.....few.....sunflowers Mommy planted....inbetween EVERY corn kernel. So now she has her own bed for the sunflowers and DADDY plants the few in the main garden.......where HE wants them. Oh dear, he was upset that year. Poor Mommy. She just LOVES watching the birds sit on and eat the sunflower seeds. Got her in deep doo doo that year.

Playing with Daddy.....he's such fun.

More playing.

Got his foot.....I win!

There's Phil to the left, and Mommy's deck boxes, complete with flowers. They're lots prettier when they fill out, but she just put them in Sunday. Had a short break in the rain....see how green it is, though?? Gorgiemongous.

Other side of the back deck.

Close up.....gggggrrrrrreeeeennnnn.......

Good Morning Family and Friends, wherever you are,

I'm back!! Don't know where I've been, or how long, but man, have people complained!! Sooooo, once again, I am sorry and will try to do better. I do get busy, you know.......why, just this morning I had to work extra hard to get Daddy going. Mommy had gone off to swim and play with her friends at the club, so Daddy read a little, and napped a little, and it really took me awhile to get him in gear. I tried nudging.....that got me a skritch on the ears, but no real movement. I tried whining....that got me a little time outside, but when it was clear that he wasn't following me, I yipped to come back in. I tried biting on his shoes, but he just pushed me away. Finally, I had to take the matter in my own paws.......I walked down to the bedroom, got his socks from the chair, walked back to the kitchen and just waited. He saw me, I know he did, because in a minute he called me into the living room and I gave him his socks. He told me I was a good girl and he put them on.....and then??? ROAD TRIP!!! Soooooo, now I know exactly what to do if he is taking too long to get going in the morning. I don't wait for him to tell me to get his socks....I just go get them all by myself. Good to have that figured out.

Well, let's see. What's been happening. OK....it's rained.....oh, and then we had some rain.....and one afternoon, evening, and all through the night and the next day, it rained.......good grief!! Will it never end??? Mommy says I'm getting webbing between my toes. Silly girl....I was born with that!! Water Dog?? Duhhhhhhh........anyhow, I will admit to the bottom of my feet being slightly green.....poor Daddy has had to mow when the lawn wasn't dried out so he can't pick up the grass and put it on the compost pile. I try to pick up as much as I can to start my own compost pile in the house, but Mommy catches me before I can get inside and wipes it all off. Geesh. Just tryin' to help, ya know?? People can be persnickity at times. Isn't that a great word? Persnickity.

Besides rain? Nothin' much goin' on. We did go up to see Grammie yesterday and she was in good spirits. She and Daddy play the silliest games, but it gets her to laugh and we all like that. Mommy and Daddy didn't see Grampie 'cause he was sleepin' and they didn't want to disturb him.....or something like that.......

After the visit, we went on a looooonnnnnggggg drive to see how bad the lake had risen. In some places it's really bad.....most of the damage has been done north of Burlington because the southern winds have blown the water up there.......and they had six-seven foot waves up there which really battered the homes on the lake. Sad, really. The place I showed you here in the pictures is where Mommy and Daddy lived when they came back to Vermont from Georgia. Their house was further away from the water, so wasn't flooded......yet......who knows, though, with all the rain still forcast. We went from there to New York....across Lake Champlain on the ferry. I used to be afraid of it 'cause of all the noise, but now I'm cool with it. I did get upset when a man drove on next to us with a HUGE tire in the bed of his pickup.....couldn't figure out what the hell it was but I wanted to warn it away from my mommy and daddy. Guess I did 'cause it didn't come any closer.

So they've had quite a time bridge building.......have had to raise the parts where the cranes sit. It's supposed to be done by October.....time will tell. They've been at it over a year.........

I forgot to tell you about Auntie Kris!! What was I thinking? She used to live here in Middlebury and Mommy met her swimming at the club. She's just a little thing now, but she used to be a lot bigger and she gave all her big clothes to Mommy who thought she had died and gone to heaven 'cause she loves hand-me-downs. Never had a sister, so doesn't know how much sisters hate hand-me-downs.....Anyhow, Auntie Kris had to move to Kentucky with her husband who was transferred with his job. She came back to visit and called Mommy and they got together for breakfast one morning. She's so nice.......at least that's what Mommy says. She'll be glad when she moves back, which she promises she's going to do!! Then maybe I'll get to meet her in person!!

Guess that's really all the news. All is well here. Daddy is slow, Mommy is going out to find sunflower seeds, and me? I'm with Daddy wherever he goes. I'm a truck dog, ya know. ROAD TRIP!! Ya gotta love it.

Hope you are all well and having a good time. I love you all!!


There, Aunt Norma. Happy now??

Saturday, May 14, 2011

New friend....sorta.....

Good Morning Family and Friends wherever you are.....

I'm sorry I haven't written for a few days.....don't know what happened.......Mommy says I get lazy once in awhile, but we all know THAT can't be true......anyhow, isn't my new little friend the cutest??? She's only a month old, and she's so small that Auntie Jess had to buy a harness for a ferret because all the kitty ones were too big. Poor little thing lost her cat mommy so Auntie Jess adopted her and gave her a good home......complete with carry-on luggage. Wow!! And, she goes in the car everywhere. A traveling feline. Like me.....'cept I'm a traveling canine!! But it does give us something to talk about, ya know? Something in common to help cement the friendship? Right now, in her babyness, all she can say is....fffffzzzzzzztttttt.....but she'll increase her vocabulary as she matures, I'm sure. And, she'll come again so we can get to know each other better. I really liked her. She's so small and cute and very pretty and I'm sure she thinks I'm big and cute and very, very pretty.....so it's a win-win, right?? I wouldn't hurt her....... on purpose, anyhow. I just need to sniff and chase and....you know.....dog stuff! Oh well, maybe next time.

So, why haven't I written??? Well, the sun has been out and Mommy and I have worked in the garden some. She's back to swimming in the mornings and doing yoga on Mondays and Fridays. We do have errands to run now and then and......well......perhaps I am a bit lazy. I don't like to think that of myself, but there might be the smallest bit of truth to it, I guess. I'll try to improve. Some days there's just not a lot to talk about. I mean, like yesterday, Mommy and Daddy spent the afternoon taking down storm windows, washing windows inside and out, putting in the screens, washing the mullions.....rhymes with bullions.......those dumb divider things in the windows that make it look like there are six panes instead of one.....Daddy's idea, not Mommy's. She hates them.....they get dirty, they have to come out to wash the windows, and they interrupt the views......but Daddy thinks they look good, so they stay. He can be pretty stubborn sometimes. Not Mommy. She's just the most easy going person......and if it makes him happy, they can stay......but she hates them. And if she wants another pair of shoes, she'll buy them. Daddy has his mullions, Mommy has her shoes. So there.

Anyhow, I digress. So, there isn't always something to write about that doesn't have something to do with the mundane stuff of life. Aunt Luci and Uncle Aubert are coming over for supper tonight. I'd like them to bring their canine.....Harley. I love her!! She's so full of energy and fun....which is precisely why they don't bring her. She's a whippet.....100%! Maybe I can go over to see her more this summer......on the weekends. We like to play outside....well, to be truthful, which I ALWAYS try to be......emphasis on the try.......she likes to run and I like to chase her! She's way faster than I am, but I work to keep up, fall short, and then just fall. Gotta get my breath back.....then we're at it again. Yippee-aye! Almost as good as FRISBEE!

Well, there it is for today. I may not be able to write tomorrow morning, but will try to get on in the evening. Mommy is going to spend the day tomorrow with Aunt Martha.....doing what? you ask?......and you need to ask?? Geesshhh......you don't know Mommy very well, I can see that. Shopping, of course......over to New York this time....Ticonderoga....super WalMart......and BJs. So....they leave really early 'cause it takes an hour and a half to get there......but if she has any energy left when she gets home, I'll ask her to turn the computer on for me. I have trouble getting it open and Daddy won't help. He says dogs should know their place and it's not on the computer. He's an.......nope, not gonna say it. Get my mouth washed out with soap. He's just an old mullion-lover......and let it go at that.

Have a great day. I love you all.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011


There's Grammie!

Daddy isn't picking his nose, honest. He's just trying to make Grammie laugh.

Grammie's thinking......thinking.....

Hi Family and Friends, wherever you are,

Guess what we did today!! ROAD TRIP! We went up to see Grammie and Grampie. I wasn't able to go inside to see Grammie, but Grampie came out to see me and.......oh, I tried to wee wee on his foot, but the old coot still has some fast moves! And, I missed. Maybe next time. I always try, you know.......I guess he may be on to my tricks by now. Won't make me stop trying, though...you never know when you'll get lucky.

So.. then we did Costco, and Lowe's.....and now we have a new grill. Daddy is out putting it together as we speak. We just got a small one 'cause the bigger one we had kinda went belly up after a couple of years and Mommy didn't see a need to spend all that much on a big one. It only has to hold two pieces of chicken, or two hamburgers, or two.....whatevers. You get the idea.

Daddy also bought me a new Frisbee. My other one kinda got chewed up......somehow......so now I have a new one! It's not a lot of fun playing with it in the windy weather, but tomorrow is supposed to be calmer, so maybe I'll get some extra play time then. I sure love my frisbee.

We went through Burlington on the way home.....just for kicks.....came to a place where they were painting new lines on the road.....Daddy said they had five workers....one was the line expert, one was the cone expert, one was a broom technician, one was a foreman playing pocket pool, whatever that means, and one was a traffic director. All for a few white lines on the road.

Oh well.....that was our day. Hope yours was great. I love you all.


Monday, May 9, 2011

The day after the night before....

Good Evening, Family and friends wherever you are,

Not much news to impart today. I did go with Daddy this morning on a ROAD TRIP to Middlebury. Mommy had gone swimming, and then to a yoga class......I'll tell you about that later.....so Daddy and I went to town to meet Uncle David.....a good friend of Daddy's.....and his girl, Sandy. She's a lot smaller than I am, and very blonde....golden lab, I think. She chases dead birds....nope, chases isn't the right word 'cause if they are dead, they aren't running from her for her to chase so.....retrieves, yes, that's it. She retrieves dead birds. Uncle David is a strange man. He shoots birds, and then he eats them. Sounds silly to me.....and Sandy? What fun can retrieving them be? I mean, you can't make them fly again so you can retrieve again....she should just get a Frisbee. Fly, chase, retrieve, pee, fly, chase, retrieve, etc. etc. etc. as the King of Siam would say. That's a lot more fun, isn't messy, and doesn't smell bad or leave a bad taste in your mouth. Yucky.....

So, yoga. Mommy says that's a really fun class. It's called Gentle Yoga, and it's really for older folks who don't twist and bend like the younger ones do. Mommy can do most everything except pull her knees close to her chest......this protuberance called a belly gets in the way. So when Lesley, the instructor, says.....pull your knees close to your chest, Mommy mutters, easy for you to say....or riiiigggghhhhtttt........or can I skip this part?....or some other smart remarkish thing. And she grunts and groans a lot.....and the other ladies laugh at her but she goes right on trying anyhow. She goes twice a week, and after awhile, she says she can move easier, and get up off of the floor better, and .....well, you get the idea. I think she ought to try the Frisbee thing. Maybe later this summer.....

Hey, hope you had a great day. I love you all.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers' Day

Got a card for Mommy....she was pretty happy about it.....says I'm the best dog a Mommy ever had. Yup. That's me. The best.

Happy Mother's Day to all you other Mommies out there. Hope you have a wonderful, fun-filled day with your children.

I'm a little sad.....wanted to get Mommy a present, like diamond earrings, or a gold necklace, or something really nice like that, but Daddy says as much as he needs beer and bullets, we can't afford that other stuff. She'll just have to be satisfied with a card.......which, of course, she was, but you know, I feel kinda sad......so I told her she should go shopping next week and just find something she wants/likes and get it, and Daddy can go without his beer......it's silly beer, anyhow.....no alcohol in it......what's the point?.....'cept I get to have a taste, and wouldn't have that treat if it did have alcohol in it.....so.....sorry, Mommy. Maybe next year!!

Have a Happy Mother's Day. I love you all.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Saturday Night

I've been banned from the living room until the air becomes clear once again. Daddy says he'll probably have to repaint. I'm eating a little shredded wheat with my meals....to help with my glandular itch problem. Aunt Luci said that was the thing to do. I'm trying it. Makes for very, very, very bad smelly gas. Daddy gagged. I thought it smelled great, but that's the thing. No one thinks theirs smells bad. Oh well..........tomorrow's another day. Have a good night.

More Sun!!

Frisbee weather!! First, I chase the frisbee.

After I've caught it, I stop to pee.

Then I bring it back to Daddy.
I drop me at his feet.....and........
I play a little bit of keep-away....just for fun.

Sock time Saturday morning.....just before our weekly dump run.....ROAD TRIP!!!

He's slow getting those things on, but I try to help. He's old, you know. You have to be patient with old people. Mommy tells me that all the time.

Almost ready....I continue to encourage him.

Good Morning Family and Friends, wherever you are,

I just had to share that last picture with you.....kinda reminds me of my days with Lilly at Uncle Peter's house. What a time that was!! I miss that cute little girly-girl.

Soooooo, another wonderful sunny day. Mommy is doing laundry and cleaning house and putting away Christmas presents. Yup, you read that right. Lots of nice Mothers' Day sales going on now, so she takes advantage of them. If any of you are on the receiving end of her Christmas list, know that she took particular care to make sure you got something on sale. Then, if you decide to regift, a practice that she buys into fully, it won't be a biggie. Know what I mean????

Oh my, Mommy is in seventh heaven......now, if you have any idea what happens in heavens one through six, will you let me know? I haven't a clue! Where did that saying come from, anyhow? Humans can be really silly sometimes. But the reason for her happiness is that Auntie Lois just stopped by with some daffodil bulbs for her. She has bucketfulls at her house and some of them needed to be....declumped??.....so she brought three different kinds....white, white with light tangerine centers, and white with yellow centers. All really pretty. Mommy thinks it'll be dry enough this afternoon to get the bulbs in.....we'll see.

Off to a nap. Hope you have a wonderful, sunny day. I love you all.


Friday, May 6, 2011

What's that? Sunshine?? Oh my!!

Good Morning, Family and Friends, wherever you are,

It's a beautiful morning and I've been in and out a dozen times just to make sure things haven't changed....not that I could do much about it if they did, but I just have to keep checking. Daddy left vvveeerrrryyyy early this morning to go hunting. Have I told you how he hunts?? He sits in a tree stand, or his ground doghouse/blind thing, drinks coffee, takes pictures when cute things get close, reads a little in his book while he waits, naps now and then even though he swears he doesn't....I just know him too well.....so it's like this........watch, read, sip, watch, read, sip, read, snooze, sip, read, watch, watch, click (bunny came out), read, watch....and so on. Pretty professional, don't ya think? Mommy and I make fun of him sometimes, but that's how he does it. On Tuesday, he went out and saw a long beard......that's hunter talk for a full grown male turkey.....it's turkey season all month here.....let him get close, fired, missed. He was some upset when he got home. The worst part of it was, the turkey scooted away, came back and he shot again, but had forgotten to put a new shell in the shotgun, so, for lack of a better word, missed again. This time the turkey didn't come back, and Daddy came home.....all weirded out because he had been so stupid....his word, not mine. We just think he's funny and all kinds of cute.

Not much on the agenda today. Mommy is going off with Aunt Lois to the big city....shopping and lunch. Oh, was she upset yesterday. She stopped at the gas station when she went to the post office to mail something to Auntie Norma and it cost her $36.00.....for HALF A TANK!! Now she's looking at ads for those funny cars that run on electricity and gas.......they're way too small for me.....I wouldn't fit, but she says I'm a truck dog, not a car dog, so it doesn't matter. Well, it does matter. I DO go in the car once in awhile....don't like it much....too small.....OK, she's right.....again......don't you hate that??

Have a wonderful day. I love you all!!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Oh goodie....more rain.....

Good Morning Family and Friends, wherever you are,

We are being blessed with more rain.....do I hear a yippee-aye?? No?? Well, us either. Enough is enough, ya know? We don't NEED more water, truly. We have plenty, more than plenty, way over the plenty mark. Lake Champlain is almost thirteen feet over its highest ever mark....and yes, spilling onto the land in many places, making people miserable. So, stop already! Go away. Let the sun shine through and the flowers grow and the birds sing!! Geesh.

So, here I am with Daddy's socks....like I do every morning. Poor man....at some point he just lost the will, or ambition, or ability to get his own socks and now I have to do it for him. Then, when I get them for him, and let him know he's taking waaaaayyyy too long to get them on, and his shoes should just be slip ins, not the tie kind......and it's time to go, has been time to go for awhile, and he's just plain slow, slow, slow....he says, "Hold your water, Ethel.....or dufus...or some other ridiculus name.....now that I think of it, he calls Mommy those names, too.....oh oh.... don't get your panties in a wad..." Now, what the hell does that mean?? In the first place, I don't wear panties, and if they were in a wad....how would they get that way?? I mean, I'm a dog....I don't know about wads.....guess I shouldn't go any further on that topic...Mommy is lookin' over my shoulder.......

We're going up to see Uncle Eli, then to the bank, then to the grocery store. Mommy is going to see Aunt Luci 'cause it's her birthday, and then to the drug store to get an anniversary card, and then to the library to return a couple of books. Busy day....oh....eye appointment went well and Mommy's eye is healing nicely. No problems. It just is taking, and will take, a lot longer time than she hoped. Weeks, months......depends on the person. She says it hurts a little this morning because the doctor pushed on it yesterday.....but it'll get better with tylenol. So, that's one worry off of all our minds.

Hope you have a wonderful, sunny day....unlike us.... I love you all.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Oh, goodie......rain!!

Good Morning, Family and friends, wherever you are,

I'm home, and back in my spot....one of my favorite spots...it's a lot smaller than it was when I was a puppy, and I don't fit the same way, but it's still my spot and I don't share it with anyone else. The first picture is me waiting for Daddy to get ready to go to Uncle Eli's for coffee. I had just gone down to the bedroom to get Daddy's socks, and brought them back for him. That's my cue......ROAD TRIP!! It's raining today, so there's not much goin' on outside.....Mommy doesn't like the ol' "wet dog" smell, so I only go out when it's an emergency, 'cause afterward, I have to go through this wipedown routine and it's not my favorite thing. Nope. Not.

Yesterday was a rough one. Daddy took me to the doctor to have my tick bite looked at......have to go back in six weeks for a blood test to make sure I didn't catch anything from the dumb tick. That wasn't bad, but the next thing was........now, I like the doctor, I really do. He makes of me and tells me I'm gorgeous and I'd lost five pounds over the vacation 'cause I don't really eat as much when we're traveling.....and he said that was good, 'cause 96 pounds was too heavy for me and he's a good doctor. But yesterday?? He squeezed my glands. Can you believe that?? Daddy about barfed....told Mommy she'd have to go the next time I had to have that done, 'cause the smell isn't the best. Doesn't bother me.....in fact, that's why I run my butt along the carpets, to share that smell. Oh, and because when the glands are full, they itch....I can't scratch them with my paws and no one else seems to want to help.....so I butt-rub. Anyhow, the doctor told Daddy he'd teach him how to empty them, but Daddy declined that lesson. I don't know what's the matter with him. He's sorta wussy, wouldn't you say? I know he loves me mightily, but there are just some things he won't do. Oh well.....

Mommy thinks she's having some trouble with her bad eye, so she's calling the doctor today to try and get an appointment. I hope it isn't anything bad........I'll keep you posted when we know something. The only good thing about going to her doctor is.....ROAD TRIP! My favorite!!

Hope you all have a wonderful day. I love you wicked!!


Monday, May 2, 2011

Jiggity, Jig.....

Saturday early morning......Ohio.....

Sun just peeking over the horizon....

And all the way up.....very bright...

Mohawk River/Erie Canal

Not my best side....but....helping to drive

Early Sunday morning....

Daddy getting us ready to move....

the green, green grass of home....Grammie Grace always told Mommy that there was no other green as beautiful as Vermont green.....

Coming into Middlebury! I knew where we were and I began to get excited.

Going over Lewis Creek on our new bridge

Mommy and Daddy's bank

Daffodils in our backyard

Good Morning Family and Friends, wherever you are,

I'm so sorry I worried any of you by not blogging. The internet in the campground in NY was sooooooo slow it wouldn't download pictures, so Mommy got frustrated and turned it of off on me. I have a hard time getting the top up by myself, you know, and need her help to do that so I couldn't turn it back on. But we're home and we're fine and I am one happy dog. No LEASH! I do try to be good with the leash when we are traveling, but oh, I really don't like it. It just takes away my freedom, and here at home I can go out and come in and go out and come in and wander all around the house and chase leaves, or birds, or watch the turkeys and deer, and it's just so much nicer.

Well, anyhow, let's see what Saturday brought. The New York Thruway....not the best of roads and they charge you sixty bucks to go across it. Unreal. We felt sorry for all of the people who had homes backed right up to the thruway.....we are so lucky to live where we do.

We noticed on this whole trip that there were not as many campers as we had seen on our travels the past two years. Some of the folks that Mommy talked to told her that they were not traveling far, or that they weren't coming to camp as often. Prices have gone up, not only for gas and diesel, but also for campgrounds. The most expensive one we were at was $54.00. And when you're there for one or two nights....just traveling through and not using any of the fun stuff they have there for kids, seems like a lot. And we weren't getting anything more than we got last year, or the year before, so to have to pay $54 for less than a $20 night doesn't make a lot of sense. Mommy and Daddy guess they'll stay closer to home and hit the state parks now until things settle down some....if indeed they will.....we can only hope. Even the state parks are charging.....$17.00 a night for the one we go to over Memorial Day weekend.

So....we stayed just outside of Buffalo Saturday night and Daddy decided not to unhook the camper so we could just get up and go the next morning. That was OK....'cept we were on a bit of an incline, and everything sloped down to the back of the camper.....made cooking interesting....pan kept sliding off the burner, and Daddy had to keep catching it. Would have been nice had he missed....just once.....and that good smelling chicken had fallen on the floor where I could have leaped to the rescue and cleaned it alllllllllll up!!! Ahhhh, dreams......speaking of which, Mommy took me out for a walk when we first got there. I don't like to be around all the noises of setting the camper up.....freaks me out.....so we always go for a walk, and didn't I find the BEST of smells??? Ohmydog, it was wonndddeeerrrrffffuuuuullllll....so I rolled in it.....and I got it all over my neck and head before Mommy could haul me off of whatever it was and oh, it felt so good. I can't repeat what Mommy said, or what she called me, but I think it might border on dog abuse......

Well, as you might guess, I had to have a spit bath. Mommy had to do it because stuff like that makes Daddy gag.....that's really funny, isn't it? Daddy can take care of bloody stuff, but Mommy has to do anything that had a bad.....for them.....smell. So once I got my neck and head all washed and dried, I could go into the camper. Then.....it gets better.....Mommy found a friend on my head. I was just giving it a ride....and apparently a little supper......and she made Daddy take it off. Good grief, you'd have thought I had a brown recluse spider on my head. It was just a teeny-weeny tick and Daddy took it off with no problem. Later that night, they found one on my ear, and took that one off, too. So last night, I had to have that stuff put on my back that makes all the little hitchhikers look for someone else to get a ride and a bite. And, ya know what? It worked! This morning Daddy took a shower and had Mommy come look at his head in the back and there she was!! So Mommy had to take that one off Daddy, and now they're all paranoid and keep checkin' me and themselves and washing sheets and all that stuff. Funny. All over a tick. Now Mommy wants Daddy to take me to the vet and have a blood test to make sure I wasn't exposed to any disease. I've had that done before.....no big deal.....and if it makes her happy.......

So here we are, home again, home again, jiggity-jig. Daddy and I are going grocery shopping and banking this morning, and Mommy is doing the wash and putting things away....all with an eye to light surfaces just in case...... It's sunny but it's suppose to rain today and then for the next three days. I don't care. I'm happy. I'm home. And I'm off my leash. Yippee Aye!!!!

I may continue to blog just to let you know what's happening here at home. I like to write stories, ya know. Keeps my mind active.

Hope you all have a wonderful day. I love you all.
