Thursday, March 24, 2011

Still March 24

I wanted to get my pictures on before I told you the story of Mommy and her eye. We've really had an exciting week. Last Wednesday, we all went to the eye doctor in Middlebury so that Mommy could have her eyes checked. She'd been having some problems with her right didn't hurt, or anything, but one little area in the bottom was really fuzzy and wouldn't clear up. The nice doctor there looked at her eye and said, "Well, I have goood news and I have bad news. The bad news is that you have a detatched retina. The good news is the Retina Center in Burlington will see you as soon as you can get up there." Yippee Aye!! Road Trip! I LIVE for road trips!

So off we went and fifty minutes later, we were there. It can take a little longer, but Daddy seemed to be in a hurry......I think he might even have gone over the speed limit a little..... but I try not to criticise, because he has Mommy to do that. And......most of the time she does a damn good job.......I told you about her Indian name, right? Five Horses? Nag-nag-nag-nag-nag? Yup, thought so.

Now, some of this stuff is just hearsay, you understand. I stayed in the truck while Mommy and Daddy went inside but they told me all about it when they came out. First they put some drops in Mommy's eye so that the doctor could look wwwwaaaaayyyyyy inside and see what was going on. Then Mommy had to wait for awhile for the drops to work, so they sat out in the waiting room with several other people. One quite elderly man shuffled in......tall and very skinny, with old jeans and a red/black checkered coat, maybe three teeth, a touc and tall, black barn boots that were three sizes too large for him. Daddy whispered to Mommy that when you get old, you have to wear boots like that because your depends leak and they'll catch the drip. Mommy gets really loud sometimes when she laughs.....but so did the other people in the waiting room.

OK, so then the nice doctor looked at Mommy and told her she had two options. She could go into the hospital to have surgery, or she could have a procedure there in the office that had an 85% success rate with a much shorter healing time. It would have to be done right then, though. There was no going home to think about it. Something had to be done today. So......they did it. Seems like I was in the truck for an awful long time, but Daddy did come and let me wee wee a couple of times, and gave me some water and food. I wasn't hungry, but I was thirsty.

Now, if you're squeemish, don't read the rest. Just know that mommy had the procedure done and she's home now, taking it easy and healing. K?

But if you're curious....this is what they did. They put three shots in her eye to numb it. And.... since she was awake with her eye open, she saw it all. That done, she layed on the floor for a litte bit trying not to faint....which she didn't. Then, they took a little eye stuff out with a syringe so that pressure wouldn't build up......and since Mommy was awake, and he eye was open, she saw it all. That done, she layed on the floor for a little bit trying not to faint....which she didn't. Next, they took a little something and froze the area around the tear in the retina. By this time, Mommy was beyond fainting, and the doctor had layed her full back in the chair so she was already in a good position.....then the doctor took another tool and put a small bubble of expanding gas in the area of the tear and detachment. OK.....done city. Come back Thursday for a checkup. Thursday... ...bubble had not begun to expand.....wait to see what Friday brings....went back expanding. You up for this???? Same procedure all over again, this time to remove the bubble that had gotten stuck and put in a new one. And they didn't have to do the freezing thing again....but yes to everything else. So.....this one was successful. Now all she has to do is sit for six days with her left ear on her left shoulder, look down, and keep the bubble in the spot over the tear. Saturday was another trip...all looked good. Had Sunday off. Back again Monday....all looked good. Back again Wed....all looked good. Whole left side of her body is numb........she has to sleep sitting up or on her stomach.......not a lot of rest for her...or for the rest of us either.

But it's Thursday now, and she can sit normally. The bubble is receding and had done what it was supposed to do. She can't have much activity.....bathroom, meals....that's about it. She won't even play with me much but I sit with her and let her rub my head when she wants to. She sure doesn't look very pretty with that bloody eye, but it's getting better now. The bubble will be with her for several weeks, I guess, but she says she'll get used to it. She can get used to anything that saves her eyesight.

OK.....the warnings for a detached retina include flashing bright lights in your eye....which she didn't have......floaters....which she didn't have.....and a fuzzyish, blind spot that won't go away which is the only thing she did have. It doesn't hurt.....but it needs to be taken care of immediately. It isn't age, weight, gender, religion or hair color just happens to some people with the right DNA. Just be aware and take care of yourselves. Mommy hopes none of her friends or loved ones ever have to go through this.

Love to all,

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