Monday, March 7, 2011

On the Road Again

Hey Hey Hey!! I'm back!! I've missed you all wicked, but now I'm back! We're all getting ready to "Go West, young dog, Go West!" Well, really, to be totally honest, we're just doing the heavy thinking about it right now. We have another month before we can actually get on the road, but that's really soon, don't you think? It'll go in a flash.......Right now, it's snowing to beat the band. I never really understood that saying....why would anyone beat the band? Don't like the music? Don't like the members? Geesshhh.....I don't get it.

What I DO get is the weather!! Oh, I love the snow. It is such fun to play in and the wind kicks up all sorts of things I can chase and I can dive into the snowbanks and when I come back into the house, Mommy laughs because I'm all white!! And everyone knows I'm mostly BLACK! So, I'm having a good time, even if my humans aren't. Daddy says I need to be careful because he just got a new Chinese cookbook.....called "101 Ways to Wok the Dog"........he's mean. Maybe I'll bite him later........

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to having you visit in St. Louis this trip. Charlie Brown, a/k/a C.B., is looking forward to getting acquainted with Juni. Loved the "Groucho Look". You can keep the snow - we just got rid of the last of ours. M & N
