Friday, June 3, 2011

Happy Birthday to Daddy

Uncle Aubert

Aunt Luci and her nurse

Hello Family and Friends, wherever you are,

Poor Aunt Luci. She had a boo-boo in her leg-pit and had to have the doctor put her to sleep and make it better. Mommy went to spend the day with her before her surgery and took these pictures so you could meet her. Mommy wanted to take some when she was on her way to the bathroom with her jammy flappin in the breeze and her hiney hangin' out....but Aunt Luci threatened her so she didn't. That would have been fun, though, don't you think? Some people in hospitals tend to lose their sense of humor. Oh well.....maybe today Mommy will have better luck!!

Not much other news. Daddy and I went on a short road trip yesterday and I gave him some new socks for his birthday......job insurance, you know. If he's got 'em, I can get 'em and he'll keep me around. Mommy gave him a new shower head but it didn't work so she has to take it back to the store and return it. Oh well......She gave him some other stuff, too......not JUST a shower head. He liked the rain one that Uncle Peter had in his shower so that's what she got him.

Didn't do much the rest of the day.....cold outside and Daddy had to build a fire in the stove so Mommy wouldn't get cold. It's the same today. Daddy and I are going up to see Grammie and Grampie in Burlington, so I'll let you know how they are later.

Have a great day. I love you all.


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