Other side of the back deck.
Close up.....gggggrrrrrreeeeennnnn.......
Good Morning Family and Friends, wherever you are,
I'm back!! Don't know where I've been, or how long, but man, have people complained!! Sooooo, once again, I am sorry and will try to do better. I do get busy, you know.......why, just this morning I had to work extra hard to get Daddy going. Mommy had gone off to swim and play with her friends at the club, so Daddy read a little, and napped a little, and it really took me awhile to get him in gear. I tried nudging.....that got me a skritch on the ears, but no real movement. I tried whining....that got me a little time outside, but when it was clear that he wasn't following me, I yipped to come back in. I tried biting on his shoes, but he just pushed me away. Finally, I had to take the matter in my own paws.......I walked down to the bedroom, got his socks from the chair, walked back to the kitchen and just waited. He saw me, I know he did, because in a minute he called me into the living room and I gave him his socks. He told me I was a good girl and he put them on.....and then??? ROAD TRIP!!! Soooooo, now I know exactly what to do if he is taking too long to get going in the morning. I don't wait for him to tell me to get his socks....I just go get them all by myself. Good to have that figured out.
Well, let's see. What's been happening. OK....it's rained.....oh, and then we had some rain.....and one afternoon, evening, and all through the night and the next day, it rained.......good grief!! Will it never end??? Mommy says I'm getting webbing between my toes. Silly girl....I was born with that!! Water Dog?? Duhhhhhhh........anyhow, I will admit to the bottom of my feet being slightly green.....poor Daddy has had to mow when the lawn wasn't dried out so he can't pick up the grass and put it on the compost pile. I try to pick up as much as I can to start my own compost pile in the house, but Mommy catches me before I can get inside and wipes it all off. Geesh. Just tryin' to help, ya know?? People can be persnickity at times. Isn't that a great word? Persnickity.
Besides rain? Nothin' much goin' on. We did go up to see Grammie yesterday and she was in good spirits. She and Daddy play the silliest games, but it gets her to laugh and we all like that. Mommy and Daddy didn't see Grampie 'cause he was sleepin' and they didn't want to disturb him.....or something like that.......
After the visit, we went on a looooonnnnnggggg drive to see how bad the lake had risen. In some places it's really bad.....most of the damage has been done north of Burlington because the southern winds have blown the water up there.......and they had six-seven foot waves up there which really battered the homes on the lake. Sad, really. The place I showed you here in the pictures is where Mommy and Daddy lived when they came back to Vermont from Georgia. Their house was further away from the water, so wasn't flooded......yet......who knows, though, with all the rain still forcast. We went from there to New York....across Lake Champlain on the ferry. I used to be afraid of it 'cause of all the noise, but now I'm cool with it. I did get upset when a man drove on next to us with a HUGE tire in the bed of his pickup.....couldn't figure out what the hell it was but I wanted to warn it away from my mommy and daddy. Guess I did 'cause it didn't come any closer.
So they've had quite a time bridge building.......have had to raise the parts where the cranes sit. It's supposed to be done by October.....time will tell. They've been at it over a year.........
I forgot to tell you about Auntie Kris!! What was I thinking? She used to live here in Middlebury and Mommy met her swimming at the club. She's just a little thing now, but she used to be a lot bigger and she gave all her big clothes to Mommy who thought she had died and gone to heaven 'cause she loves hand-me-downs. Never had a sister, so doesn't know how much sisters hate hand-me-downs.....Anyhow, Auntie Kris had to move to Kentucky with her husband who was transferred with his job. She came back to visit and called Mommy and they got together for breakfast one morning. She's so nice.......at least that's what Mommy says. She'll be glad when she moves back, which she promises she's going to do!! Then maybe I'll get to meet her in person!!
Guess that's really all the news. All is well here. Daddy is slow, Mommy is going out to find sunflower seeds, and me? I'm with Daddy wherever he goes. I'm a truck dog, ya know. ROAD TRIP!! Ya gotta love it.
Hope you are all well and having a good time. I love you all!!
There, Aunt Norma. Happy now??